

Social Acceptability and Acceptance of Photovoltaic Powered Charging Stations
Amalie Alchami  1@  , Nathalie Darene  2@  , Manuela Sechilariu  1@  , Fabrice Locment  1@  
1 : AVENUES EA7284
Université de Technologie de Compiègne
2 : Connaissance Organisation et Systèmes TECHniques EA 2223
Université de Technologie de Compiègne

Electric vehicles (EVs) appear to be one of the possible solutions for limiting greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector. Hence, the transport sector must be redesigned to allow the installation of EV charging stations powered by renewable energy from photovoltaic (PV) panels. Described as a new innovation, the social acceptability of these PV-powered charging stations should be studied alongside the technical study aiming at improving the project as well as increasing public knowledge. The goal of this study is to determine whether this innovative energy system is socially accepted or not and to analyze the concept limitations from a public point of view. The PV-powered charging station is a system composed mainly of PV sources, stationary storage, and public grid connection as back-up power. The intelligent controller is able to manage the system for EVs charging as well as the new associated services such as vehicle-to-grid (V2G) and vehicle-to-home (V2H) that can be integrated. The social acceptability revealed a very good prospect for electromobility coupled with renewable energies. Regarding the social acceptance the study shows that the majority of those polled are eager to use PV-powered charging stations and the new associated services V2G and V2H; however, this acceptance is conditional on a number of users' needs and constraints.

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